
Any business entity seeking to apply for TIN can register online by filling out the registration form available on and uploading the required documents.

The requirements for applying for Corporate TIN can be categorized according to the type of entity.

The types of entity and their examples are as follows:

1. Profit-oriented entity

E.g.: Limited Liability Companies (PT), Limited Partnerships (CV), firms, banks, financial services companies, cooperatives, etc.;

2. Non-profit-oriented entity

E.g.: foundations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), religious institutions, private universities, private schools, etc.;

3. Joint Operation

E.g.: joint operations of construction companies;

4. Branch

E.g.: Bank ABC Semarang branch, PT XYZ Bandung branch, etc.

After you determine the type of your entity, the following are the required documents to be enclosed:

Supporting documents for profit- and non-profit-oriented entities

Supporting documents for profit- and non-profit-oriented entities

1. A copy of business entity establishment documents, in the form of:

a. For a domestic Corporate Taxpayer, deed of establishment or document of establishment and their amendments; or

b. For a permanent establishment or foreign representative office, letter of appointment from head office;

2. Documents showing identities of all entity board members:

a. For an Indonesian Citizen, a copy of TIN Card;

b. For a Foreign Citizen:

1. A copy of passport; and

2. A copy of TIN Card if they have been registered as a Taxpayer.

Supporting documents for Joint Operation

Supporting documents for Joint Operation

1. A copy of cooperation agreement or deed of establishment as a joint operation;

2. A copy of TIN Card of each joint operation member required to have a TIN;

3. Documents showing identities of Joint Operation management members and a board member of each Joint Operation member company:

a. For an Indonesian Citizen, a copy of TIN Card; or

b. For a Foreign Citizen:

1. A copy of passport; and

2. A copy of TIN Card if they have been registered as a Taxpayer.

Supporting documents for branch

Supporting documents for branch

1. A copy of TIN Card of head office or parent company; and

2. Documents showing identity of branch manager or branch responsible person:

a. For an Indonesian Citizen, a copy of TIN Card; or

b. For a Foreign Citizen:

1. A copy of passport; and

2. A copy of TIN Card if they have been registered as a Taxpayer.