Becoming a trusted partner of nation development to collect state revenue through the implementation of efficient, effective, integrity, and fair tax administrations to support the vision of the Ministry of Finance: "Being the manager of state finances to realize a productive, competitive, inclusive, and fair Indonesian economy"
- formulating tax regulations that support Indonesia's economic growth;
- improve tax compliance through quality and standardized services, effective tax education and supervision, and fair law enforcement; and
- developing digital-based core business processes supported by an adaptive and collaborative organizational culture as well as tax officials with integrity, professionalism, and motivation.
To realize its vision and mission, the Directorate General of Taxes aligns the objectives of the Ministry of Finance by setting the objectives of the Directorate General of Taxes for the period 2020 - 2024, namely:
- Sustainable fiscal management;
- Optimal state revenue; and
- An agile, effective, and efficient bureaucracy and public services.
We hereby declare that we provide services according to the service standards that have been set. If we do not keep this promise, we are ready to accept penalties in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.