With regard to the selection process for the Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi Owner’s Agent – Change Management as stipulated in Selection Document Number DS-01/TIM-PCM-PSIAP/2020 23 July 2020 (“Selection Document”), the Procurement Team for Procurement of the Owner’s Agent Consultancy Services – Change Management for Modernization of Core Tax Administration System residing at the Head Office of Directorate General of Taxes, Mar’ie Muhammad Building, 22nd floor, Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 40-42, Jakarta 12190 (“the Procurement Team”) has completed the evaluation of the Envelope II Proposal of the Selection Participant with the highest ranking based on the evaluation of Envelope I and completed the negotiation process based on the Official Report of Technical and Financial Negotiation Number BA-11/TIM-PCM-PSIAP/2020 dated 25 November 2020.
Pursuant to Clause 31.1 of Section II - Instructions to Selection Participants of the Selection Document and based on the results of the technical and financial negotiations, the Procurement Agent proposed the Selection Winner to the Pengguna Anggaran through letter Number NDR-22/TIM-PCM-PSIAP/2020 dated 26 November 2020. Following the determination of the Selection Winner by the Pengguna Anggaran based on Minister of Finance Decree No. 585/KMK.03/2020 concerning Penetapan Pemenang Seleksi Berdasarkan Kualitas Dua Sampul Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi Owner’s Agent – Change Management dated 17 December 2020, the Procurement Team hereby announces the Selection Winner with the following details:
Jakarta, 18 December 2020
Procurement Team for Procurement of the Owner’s Agent Consultancy Services – Change Management for Modernization of Core Tax Administration System