Functional Tax Instructor of Large Taxpayers Regional Tax Office uploaded the latest episode of SELITER (Literacy Tuesday/Selasa Literasi) on the Instagram. SELITER is a two-way indirect educational program in the form of a live broadcast which is held every third Tuesday of the month, Jakarta (Tuesday, 5/8).
This episode discussed Public Houses, Pondok Boro, Student Dormitories, and Workers' Houses which are included in the scope of Certain Strategic Taxable Goods (BKP) whose delivery is exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT). Regarding this Certain Strategic Taxable Goods, the limits are set by the Minister of Finance after receiving consideration from the minister who administers government in the fields of public works and public housing. This is stated in Government Regulation Number 49 of 2022.
"Then these limits have implementing regulations, i.e. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 60 of 2023 (PMK-60) about Limits on Public Houses, Pondok Boro, Student Dormitories, and Worker's Homes which are Exempt from the Imposition of Value Added Tax, which was promulgated on June 12 2023." said Ahmad Rifan Senior Expert Tax Instructor.
The topic regarding PMK-60 can be watched via Instagram page of the Large Taxpayers Regional Tax Office (LTO) @pajakwpbesar or via the following link
Pewarta: Suci Zuliyan Safitri |
Kontributor Foto: Nur Syifa Retno Utami |
Editor: Firman Raharja |
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