Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office together with Bina Sarana Informatika University (UBSI) PSDKU Bogor signed a Cooperation Agreement of Tax Inclusion at Bina Sarana Informatika University PSDKU Bogor Hall, Ciwaringin, Central Bogor Sub-district, Bogor City (Tuesday, 15/8). Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office also provided Technical Guidance of Tax Inclusion for lecturers as a series of stages in the implementation of Tax Inclusion. This activity was attended by 40 lecturers of Bina Sarana Informatika University.
As opening remarks, Rector of UBSI Ir. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Wahyudi, M.M., M.Kom., M.Pd., IPU., ASEAN, Eng, hoped that the collaboration between Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office and UBSI can work wll.
"There are still many activities that we can collaborate in the future, because UBSI has several campuses spread throughout Indonesia," Mochamad Wahyudi said in his speech.
The next session was a speech from the Head of Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office, Irawan. Irawan expressed his gratitude for the implementation of this tax inclusion collaboration activity, and hoped that this collaboration can be carried out well. In his speech, Irawan mentioned that the implementation of tax inclusion is one of the initiatives to prepare the citizens to welcome the golden Indonesia in 2045. With demographic bonus that will be reaped in 2045, we need to instill the values of tax awareness as part of state defense to the golden generation.
The event continued with the presentation of Tax Inclusion in Education Technical Guidance, which delivered by Dendi Amrin, a Tax Counselor at Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office. Then, Hargo Nugroho, a Tax Counselor at Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office delivered material related to tax obligations for lecturers.
The participants were quite enthusiastic when joining the presentation related to tax obligations for lecturers. This was shown by the many questions asked during the session. Sofyan, one of the UBSI lecturers, asked about the aspect of fulfilling tax obligations for lecturers, whether it can be done online or must come to the nearest tax office. To this question, Dendi Amrin explained that currently, to fulfill tax obligations can be carried out online, but if you still need further explanation, you can visit the nearest tax office.
The event was closed with a closing remark delivered by Ani Natalia, Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office. Ani stated that Jakarta Regional Tax Office welcomed the collaboration with Bina Sarana Informatika University. On this occasion, Ani also said that the purpose of tax inclusion is to help instill tax awareness to students as the next generation of the nation. This is very important so that in the future, Indonesian people can consciously contribute to build the nation.
Pewarta: Dita Sari Puspitarini |
Kontributor Foto: Hasan Solehadin |
Editor: Ainur Rasyid |
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